Thursday, January 6, 2011

Puppy Pics

 A couple lucky puppies got kids for Christmas.

Actually, both these pups came into their new families before Christmas. Giving live animals as Christmas presents can cause lots of problems. These two lively characters were chosen by their new families and had been in their new homes to get adjusted well before the holidays.

Say hello to LaLa.

She joins the canine family of Gracie and Gabby, but best of all she now has her very own little girl to love.
LaLa is one very lucky little pup.


Another lucky pup is Rascal. He had a big wish come true.
Rascal was a stray. He was living in a shelter when his new family found him there and decided to make him part of their family. Now he lives with another dog, Bucky.

But rascal got the very best thing a dog could get, his own boy to play with. I predict a very happy life for Rascal.

Congratulations to both pups and their new forever families.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year - New Friends

We have some new friends to introduce. These new family additions all arrived before Christmas and were all wanted and chosen by their new families. Giving animals as Christmas gifts is usually not a good idea.

 Meet Skittles.

 She came to liven things up for Sampson and Honeydew, two Bassets who apparently needed a kitten to keep them company and make their days more exciting. Her Mom says she likes to knock things on the floor and blame the dogs.



and Sirius

These two, Remi and Siri, were adopted by my friend Sue because she saw a mouse in the basement. I don't think either of these boys would know what to do with a mouse, but Sue's been too busy to think about mice since they came into her life.

Siri enjoys stealing the dog's food whenever possible and batting the pieces around the kitchen. Remi thinks it's fun to jump on the drapes and hang there until removed. It makes me think ten dogs are easy.

Are there any other new pups and kittens we should know about? We love posting puppy and kitten pictures.
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