Saturday, November 27, 2010


Hi everybody. The year is coming to a close and we want to remember those pets who crossed the Rainbow Bridge. As we did last year, we'll devote the week between Christmas and New Years to them. If there is an animal you want to pay tribute to, please send me a picture, the animal's name and dates of birth and death, if you know them. Tell me what you'd like to say, and I'll post some each day during that week.

If you'd like to check out last years Rainbow Week posts, scroll back. Any animal that you loved may be included. We don't limit the post to dogs and cats.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Therapy Jacket

Years ago when my first PWD, Bentley was about six years old, he developed a pinched nerve in his back. At first it just slowed him down a bit, but as he aged, it caused him more problems. The muscles in his back legs began to atrophy and then arthritis set in and the poor boy had trouble getting up and down. He also needed help on stairs. He never complained and I adored him  and tried everything I could to help him. In his final years I would roll a towel lengthwise and put it under his hips to give him some support.

This would have been a very helpful item giving me more control and giving Bentley more security.

With the active pack I have now, we often have a muscle pull or a sore leg from some excessive racing around together. Morgan has arthritis an her back legs and sometimes feels stiff and sore.

Last week I ordered this item. I used to ice Bentley's legs and hips every night and I could tell it felt good. He lay very still and got a dreamy look on his face. This therapy jacket has hot and cold packs and the little leg strips are fastened on with velcro. I think the next time anyone has a sore leg, this should provide some real relief.

I found the therapy jacket at In The Company Of Dogs.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

We Are The Cure

November is Canine Cancer Awareness Month.

Cancer affects one out of every three dogs. Of those, over half of them will die of cancer.

Any of us who have lived with dogs for any amount of time have experienced losing a furry friend to cancer. We lost Pylon and Monty to cancer. Monty was only nine years old.

Check out the National Canine Cancer Foundation's blog. It lists 7 important things you should know about canine cancer.

You can also read about the National Dog Wash   sponsored by John Paul Pets. It's a company owned by Paul Mitchell Hair Products. For a donation of $5 to the National Canine Cancer Foundation you will receive a package containing:
Tea Tree Shampoo
Pet Oatmeal Shampoo
a pink paw " We Are The Cure" decal
for every dog wash packet sold, will donate a meal to shelter pets
30 day free trial of Trupanion Pet Insurance

They depend on us. Be aware of the signs.
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