Saturday, May 29, 2010


In today's terrible economy, everyone feels the pinch, but the situation is dire for many pet animals whose families can no longer afford to keep them. Household pets are being turned into shelters at alarming rates and the shelters are swamped. They don't have enough space, supplies or volunteers to care for all the animals looking for homes.

In the 24 years that Rob and I have been together, we've done rescue. Pylon, Bentley, Lucy, Monty, Morgan and Tsar were all rescues. We've done fostering, MG, Cookie and Winston, and recently we've been doing some transports, moving animals across country to find safe situations for them. The one thing we haven't done is shelter volunteering. I don't think I can do it. I have trouble just walking into a shelter. I want to bring them all home. I have the greatest respect and admiration for shelter volunteers.

On Dogs-N-More we'd like to discuss each of the ways we can help homeless animals. First let's discuss fostering. I know that several of you foster. Will you share your knowledge with us so that maybe some of the rest of us might consider trying it, or at least understand better what you do?


Each of the animals pictured on this post is currently available here in Missouri. They are all listed on Petfinder, if you are interested in learning more about them or in giving one of them a home.


Here are some of the questions you can help answer:

Why do you foster?
How long have you been doing it?
How do you get started?


What types of animals do you foster?
How do you decide which ones to take?


How long does an animal usually spend in foster care?
How do you find a permanent home for an animal?


Are you responsible for all expenses?
What happens if no one adopts the animal?


What is the best thing about fostering?
What is the worst?


Have you ever adopted an animal you were fostering?
Why or why not?


Will you foster again?
Why or why not?


Remember, it's not only dogs and cats that need help finding homes. All types of animals are currently in shelters or rescue organizations waiting for someone to give them a safe and loving home.


Perhaps you don't have room for a big dog and you're allergic to cats. Have you thought about helping a bird like Cassidy or a bunny like Charli?


What are some of your best fostering experiences?
What are some of the nightmares?
What are the funniest?


What should we know before considering fostering?
OK, everybody knows the big question--- how do you give them up after having them in your life for awhile and getting attached?

Mr Oinkers

I know several of you currently foster and more have done it in the past.

E-mail your answers to me

I will post whatever you have to say about fostering. Want to write an entire post about it? Send it to me and I'll post the whole thing. This is an important thing you're doing. Without foster homes, many of these wonderful, happy, healthy animals would be euthanized.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What Kind Of Dog Is That?

I love puppies. I guess that doesn't come as a big surprise to any of you.
I can't think of anything that can brighten my mood as fast as cuddling a warm puppy against my neck and inhaling that sweet puppy breath. I love their soft little ears and their smooth pink pads.

I've always thought that new puppies look like little fat sausages with ears, legs and tails. But, have you ever noticed that newborn puppies look alike regardless of what breed they are and what they'll wind up looking like when they grow up?

Here's a little quiz. See if you can tell what breeds these newborn puppies are.

Puppy # 1

Puppy # 2

Puppy # 3

Puppy # 4

Puppy # 5

Puppy # 6

Puppy # 7

puppy # 8

Puppy # 9

Puppy # 10

Puppy # 11

Puppy # 12

Puppy # 13

Puppy # 14

puppy # 15

Puppy #16

Puppy # 17

Puppy # 18

OK, notice how much alike they all look? They all have little round muzzles for easier nursing and they all have short, strong little front legs to help them find the milk bar and push their siblings out of the way. They're designed for survival in the first critical weeks of life. After that they'll start developing their breed characteristics.

The above are all purebreds, but mixed breeds look just like them. Did you guess what breeds they are?

Here are the answers:

Puppy # 1 Collie
Puppy # 2 Beagle
Puppy # 3 Scottish Terrier
Puppy # 4 Golden Retriever
Puppy # 5 Boston Terrier
Puppy # 6 Newfoundland
Puppy # 7 Border Collie
Puppy # 8 English Bulldog
Puppy # 9 German Shepherd
Puppy # 10 Staffordshire Terrier
Puppy # 11 Boxer
Puppy # 12 Labrador Retriever
Puppy # 13 Doberman Pinscher
Puppy # 14 Portuguese Water Dog
Puppy # 15 Weimaraner
Puppy # 16 Bedlington Terrier
Puppy # 17 Dachshund
Puppy # 18 Icelandic Sheepdog

How many did you get right? Aren't they cute? Wouldn't you love to cuddle any of them?
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