Saturday, March 19, 2011

Japan's Pets Need Help Too

Following the earthquake and tsunami, the Japanese people need and are receiving help from individuals and agencies around the world. The pets need help, too.
Many pets are now homeless, separated from their families and in some cases their families are among the missing or dead.
By now you've probably all seen the video of the brown and white Spaniel type dog that refused to leave his critically injured companion. As an update, they were both rescued and are currently receiving  veterinary care. Both are expected to survive.
If you would like to help the animals, you can check out Global Animal. Org  On their site they list several groups that are already on the ground in Japan making a difference.
Another is World Vets.  I only recently discovered this organization which seems to be similar to Doctors Without Borders. I'm impressed with what I've read about them.

ARK   Animal refuge Kansai is also accepting donations to help the Japanese animals. They accept Paypal making it quick and easy to donate.
Finally, if you're getting low on dog treats and need to stock up, Lucky Dog Treat Company is donating 50% of their sales for the remainder of the month to World Vets disaster relief.  Lucky Dog is an Etsy shop, so while helping dogs in need, you're also supporting a craftsperson. It's a win-win!
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